Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu - General Information

Weight: 20-30 lbs

Height: male: 14.5-16.5, female: 13.5-15.5 inches

Color(s): Any

Character: This agile breed is playful and energetic. Lively, charming, and affectionate, this breed can also be independent while demanding attention from his master. The Shiba Inu should not be kept around small animals but can do well with cats.

Temperament: The Shiba Inu is intelligent, alert, and makes a good alarm dog at times. This breed can be prone to barking. This breed can prove to be a handful if not handled by an experienced owner as they tend to be willful.

Care: The Shiba Inu has a coat that is fairly easy to groom. Rubber brushing does well with the coat of this dog to remove dead and loose hair. Seasonally a heavy shedder, many owners rely on regular professional grooming to keep shedding to a minimum. Do not bathe this dog regularly as it will remove the waterproofing this breed retains.

Training: This intelligent dog is pretty easy to housebreak, but obedience training should start at a young age. Being that this dog is high energy, they require a firm handler, and can be stubborn at times.

Activity: The Shiba Inu is not recommended for kennel life and should be kept as a member of the family as he loves attention. An average sized yard would suit this dog well; however regular walks can be sufficient.